Workshop On Environmental Protection: A Human Responsibility

Workshop on Environmental Protection: A Human Responsibility


The myriad of environmental issues which the world is facing today is a matter of social concern with expansive social repercussions and this need to be handled collectively. Tackling these problems and working for environmental protection is one of the prime concerns under G20. With an aim to raise awareness regarding this pertinent issue, Department of Sociology, GDC Sidhra, under the aegis of IQAC and G20 and the banner of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotdsav organized a workshop on the theme ‘Environmental Protection: A Human Responsibility.’ The workshop was organized by Prof. Shonima Malhotra, HOD Sociology. To begin with, she presented a presentation to the students to acquaint them with the concept of environment and the related concepts like climate change, global warming, carbon footprint. Through her presentation, she made the students aware that nature has enough for man’s needs but not enough for man’s greed. She explained them that how human activities through their ways of life, demeanours, conventions and establishments are to a great extent in charge of the present environmental scenario. She elaborated at length the meaning, causes and effects of the multiple environmental hazards. The presentation was followed by experiments through which she practically demonstrated these concepts to the students. Thereafter, students prepared appreciable posters depicting how they can reduce their carbon footprints. To give an interesting end to this workshop she involved the students in an activity in which the students had to search words related to the theme. The students participated actively and enthusiastically at all the stages of the workshop. Through this workshop the resource person stressed upon the fact that each one of us is responsible in one or the other way for these disheartening environmental issues. She further emphasized that it is high time we mend our ways and actions otherwise not only the Planet Earth but even our survival will be under threat. She advised the students to follow the proverb that, ‘If you cannot do big things, try to do small things in a big way’ and also advised them to play their part in saving the environment. The workshop was organized under the patronship of Dr. B. B. Anand, worthy Principal of the college.

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